Green dream.

I am undeniably in NEED of this convertible vintage Norma Kamali suspender dress in a brilliant green - a complete one-of-a-kind gem, available from the fantastic Claire Incorruptible at the moment. Currently battling internally over whether $295 is too much for me to be spending on a dress right now. I'm pretty sure it is, but I'm in such awe of this thing - and it's so me; full skirt, pockets and all:





All images belong to Claire Incorruptible, and are viewable here.

For anyone new to Claire Inc, the website run by Belinda from Adelaide is making it's name around the world for their incredible ability to source such unavailable vintage products. Specialising in 80s and 90s, Claire Inc is always a go-to place for me for inspiration. I'm yet to make a purchase so this might be the one, fingers crossed my budget conscience gives in soon! Please do visit her beautifully made website, and join her facebook page for regular updates on new items:

Claire Inc on Facebook

- C x

Lippy Love.

Eeekk! Sorry to anyone who came here for new posts in the past few days, I've had a very busy week with work and uni! I am finding it challenging to keep up with this whole blog writing thing, *accio inspiration*! I'd rather not post one picture of whatever and say "this is cool", I'd like my posts to be more insightful than that.
However. NARS Cosmetics has posted something on their Facebook page that I took great interest in: Their AMAZING lip (and eye) shades in this shoot! These images were recently featured in Vogue Nippon, I found the colour pallets intriguingly innovative.






Makeup artist: Lena Koro
Photographer + stylist: Françoise Nars

Fashion credits here go to the gorgeous Miu Miu - their bow collars, flowers and classic cuts complement the makeup so well here. YELLOW lips, I mean who could ever pull that off?! I believe the reason these vibrant yellows and purples work so well here is thanks to our good friend the colour wheel:


For anyone who never realised, opposite (and therefore contrasting) colours used together make each other POP while still looking stylised rather than random. If you are ever wondering what colour on earth you are going to do your eyes to match that bright orange dress, the answer is blue! I know it can sound weird, but contrasting colours make perfect sense to the human eye. This is basic knowledge for most, but just something to keep in mind incase you weren't listening in art class that time. :)

Adding both navy and pale orange to the combination of contrasting yellow and purple here was a stroke of genius by creative director of NARS, Françoise Nars, who styled and photographed this editorial for Vogue. What a guy.

- C x

Say Holga!

I have obtained one of these from the glorious internet, in a delightful shade of sky blue!

holga 120 GCFN_blue
BlockquoteIt is a Holga - a medium format toy camera that can produce unpredictable vintagey effects, you never know what you're going to get. It takes 120 film and has a plastic lens for a softer look. My version also has a flash and a blue/yellow/red/white diffuser. I'm excited to have a play and welcome le printemps with some flashes of colour!

- C x

Winter woes.

Well not really woes, although my power did go out for two hours which left me significantly woeful. Despite being in the first few days of spring, we had a horribly wintry weekend where I live. I took this rare opportunity to cuddle up inside for all of Saturday to watch the rain, and took some pictures around my home!








Cold weather can be beautiful when you don't have to leave the house (and sometimes when you do!). The mood of the day reminded me of both the music and cover art of one of my favourite albums:


Album art by Brian Moen and Griszka Niewiadomski.

- C x