14TH AUGUST 2010

Cecilia, you're breaking my heart!

My name is not Cecilia... but it sounds pretty, and features in one of my favourite songs by one of my favourite bands (see video below).

I get inspired by a lot of wonderful things but often don't think much more of them - but I'd like to, so hopefully will record and remember things here! I'm a 21 year old student who 'digs' fashion (vintage, designer, indie, anything), costume design, art, photography, music, film and anything that makes life that little bit more exciting.

- C x


  1. I love this song... :)

  2. Aw, yay! I actually saw them live last year, it was an amazing experience! Thanks so much for your comment, I didn't expect any so soon! I love your blog, just found it today :) x


You make me smile. ♥